*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=* Undernet Channel Service Committee CMaster Command List *=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=*
* Parameters enclosed in <> are mandatory. * Parameters enclosed in [] are optional. * x|y means x or y. * refers to a user's current nickname. * refers to the username account that a user has registered with CService, not to be confused with . - For more information about username accounts and how to determine someone's username, refer to the INFO and VERIFY commands. * All commands shown with the field can also work with a nickname by preceding the nickname with an equal (=) sign. - For example, consider a user with the nickname ^Test^ and the username Test2K3. - The ACCESS command can be performed on this user in either of these methods:
/msg x access <#channel> Test2K3 /msg x access <#channel> =^Test^
- The first method directly queries X as to whether or not the username Test2K3 is in the channel userlist. - The second method has X verify if ^Test^ is authenticated, and if so, performs the ACCESS lookup on his username account, Test2K3. - This can be performed with any command that requires a , but will only work if the user is authenticated, otherwise X will reply with "No Match!" * refers to any search string utilizing wildcards (* and ?). - A *!*userid@host string is one example of a wildcard pattern. - For example, both the ACCESS and LBANLIST commands accept :
/msg x access <#channel> ?irc* /msg x lbanlist <#channel> *.users.undernet.org
- The ACCESS command would return any usernames on the channel who matched the ?irc* wildcard string. - The LBANLIST command would return all bans set for users who had enabled Undernet's virtual hostmask (usermode +x).
* IRC scripts should always use /msg x@channels.undernet.org for all commands, not just LOGIN, to ensure the command gets sent to X in the event of a temporary nick change for X or other unforeseen circumstances which could render your script temporarily unusable.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 500 (Channel Manager) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
PART - Tells X to part your channel. To have X remain out of the channel, refer to SET AUTOJOIN.
/msg X part <#channel>
SET - Sets flags for your channel. - Flags are special settings that tell X how to behave under certain conditions.
/msg X set <#channel>
AUTOJOIN - When this flag is ON, X will always join the channel when it returns online (eg. after maintenance or a netsplit).
/msg X set <#channel> autojoin
MASSDEOPPRO - The maximum deops X will allow a user (see note) to perform within 15 seconds. - Any user exceeding this will be deopped and, if on the channel userlist, suspended for 5 minutes. - They will also have a level 25 ban placed on them and will need to unban themselves after the suspension expires.
NOTE: The current version of MASSDEOPPRO only checks when users perform deops with the /mode command (/mode #channel -oo nick1 nick2), not with X's DEOP command.
/msg X set <#channel> massdeoppro <0-7>
NOOP - When this flag is ON, X will not allow any other users to be opped. - However, you and all your level 100+ ops will still have full access to all op commands and after you login, you can use X to kick, ban, etc
/msg X set <#channel> noop
STRICTOP - When this flag is ON, X will only allow authenticated level 100+ users be opped.
/msg X set <#channel> strictop
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 450+ (Trusted Channel Admin) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
JOIN - Tells X to join the channel. To have X always join the channel automatically, refer to SET AUTOJOIN. /msg X join <#channel>
SET - Sets flags for the channel. Flags are special settings that tell X how to behave under certain conditions.
/msg X set <#channel>
* Flags and Values: AUTOTOPIC - This flag makes X reset the topic to the channel DESCRIPTION and URL every 30 minutes. - Note that if the channel is idle, the topic will not be reset during that time. (idle = no users joining)
/msg X set <#channel> autotopic
DESCRIPTION - Sets the channel description (80 characters max), which can be seen in the CHANINFO reply. - If no description text is specified, the current description is cleared.
Alias: DESC
/msg X set <#channel> description [text] /msg X set <#channel> desc [text]
FLOATLIM - Toggles the channel "floating limit" feature on or off. - If enabled, X will reset the channel limit (channel mode +l) within a preset margin above the number of users in the channel, and within a preset period of time. - This can help prevent large botnets from joining and flooding the channel. - By default, this feature is off. - When enabled, the FLOATLIM flags will be displayed in the STATUS reply.
Example STATUS reply: -X- Flags set: FLOATLIM (MGN:3, PRD:20, GRC:1, MAX:0) - In this example, FLOATLIM is ON, with a FLOATMARGIN of 3, a FLOATPERIOD of 20 seconds, a FLOATGRACE of 1, and FLOATMAX is OFF. - Refer to SET FLOATGRACE, SET FLOATMARGIN, SET FLOATMAX, and SET FLOATPERIOD for more information.
/msg X set <#channel> floatlim
FLOATGRACE - Sets a grace value for the floating limit feature. - If the difference between the current limit and what the new limit would be is less than the grace value, X will not reset the limit, so that quiet channels are not littered with mode changes. - This value can be between 0-19. - The default value is 1.
/msg x set <#channel> floatgrace <0-19>
FLOATMARGIN - Sets the user margin for the floating limit. - The limit that X resets will be: FLOATMARGIN + the current number of users in the channel. - This value can be between 2-20. - The default value is 3.
/msg X set <#channel> floatmargin <2-20>
FLOATMAX - Sets a maximum limit for the floating limit setting. - When enabled, X will not reset the channel limit higher than FLOATMAX. - This value may be from 0-65536. - The default value is 0 (Off).
/msg X set <#channel> floatmax <0-65536>
FLOATPERIOD - Sets the time period, in seconds, before X resets the channel limit. - The value may be from 20-200. - The default value is 20 seconds.
/msg X set <#channel> floatperiod <20-200>
KEYWORDS - Sets the keywords for the channel (80 characters max). - Keywords should be separated by a space.
/msg X set <#channel> keywords [keywords]
MODE - This will save the current channel modes as default. - When X joins the channel, it will reset those modes if it is alone in the channel.
/msg X set <#channel> mode
URL - You can state the channel's web site URL(s) with this option (75 characters max). - The URL can be viewed in the CHANINFO reply or by logging into http://cservice.undernet.org/live/ then clicking "Channel Information" and submitting the channel name. - If no URL is specified, the current URL setting is cleared.
/msg X set <#channel> url [url(s)]
USERFLAGS - Set the default AUTOMODE for when a new user is added to the userlist. - Default value is 0. - Values: 0 = None, 1 = Op, 2 = Voice. /msg X set <#channel> userflags <0-2>
- Refer to MODINFO AUTOMODE for more information. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 400+ (Userlist Admin) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
ADDUSER - Adds a user to the channel's userlist. - You cannot add a user with equal or higher access than your own.
/msg X adduser <#channel>
CLEARMODE - Clears all channel modes. - Can be used when the channel has been locked up (channel modes +i, +l, and/or +k).
NOTE:- This is not necessarily the best method to gain entry to your channel, because other people or bots may be opped in the channel that may reset the modes as you clear them. - Refer to the STATUS command for related information.
/msg X clearmode <#channel>
MODINFO - The following commands can be used to make changes to existing users in the channel's userlist. - You cannot modify someone with an equal or higher level.
/msg X modinfo <#channel>
ACCESS - Changes the access level of a user. - Access level can be set between 1 and your access level -1 (ie. if you have an access level of 400, you may assign a level of up to 399 to other users). - You can not modify your own access and can only modify an access lower than your own.
/msg X modinfo <#channel> access
AUTOMODE - Changes the automode of a user to one of these specified modes: NONE, OP, or VOICE. - Based on this setting a user can be voiced or opped when he joins the channel, or if the user is already on the channel, the automode will take place once the user is authenticated with X.
/msg X modinfo <#channel> automode
REMUSER - Removes a user from the channel database. - You must have higher access than the user you want to remove. - You can also remove yourself from any channel, as long as you are not the Channel Manager (500 access level in that channel). - Channel Managers wishing to remove themselves will need to purge their channel, or transfer the channel to another user.
/msg X remuser <#channel>
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 200 (Userlist Op) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
KICK - Makes X kick all users matching the specified *!*userid@host mask, but does not kick the person issuing the command if they match also. - Use should be limited to extreme channel flooding or clones. - You may wish to set a ban on the mask, or +i (invite-only) on the channel before issuing the kick to prevent matching users from rejoining after being kicked. - Your username will be placed in the kick message, enclosed in parentheses.
/msg X kick <#channel> [reason]
STATUS - Displays all channel flags and settings, channel modes, the number of users and ops in the channel, currently authenticated users for the channel, and whether X is on the channel or not. - Currently authenticated users are shown in a "username/nickname [level]" format. - A user's nickname will only be shown if that user is currently on the channel, otherwise only their username and level are displayed.
***- The ability to see channel modes is extremely helpful in case the channel is locked up (channel modes +i, +l, and/or +k). - If the channel has a key (+k), X will display the current channel key. - You may use the INVITE command to have X invite you into the channel, overriding all current channel modes, or alternatively, you may use the CLEARMODE command to clear all channel modes, then join the channel.
/msg X status <#channel>
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 100+ (Channel Operator) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DEOP - Deops one or more persons in the channel. - If no nick is specified, and you are opped on the channel, X will deop you.
/msg X deop <#channel> [nick] [nick2] ... [nickN]
OP - Ops one or more persons in the channel. - If no nick is specified, and you are not opped on the channel, X will op you.
/msg X op <#channel> [nick] [nick2] ... [nickN]
INVITE - X will invite you into the channel, allowing you to join regardless of current channel modes.
/msg X invite <#channel>
SUSPEND - Suspends a user's access to X on the channel's userlist for the specified period of time, at the specified level, if given. - If a level is not specified, X will use your access level. - You can only suspend someone with access lower than your own. - The maximum duration is 372 days (8928 hours, 535680 minutes :P). * M = minutes, H = hours, D = days
/msg X suspend <#channel> [level]
UNSUSPEND - Unsuspends a user's access to X on the channel's userlist. - You can only unsuspend a user with access lower than your own, provided that the suspension level is also less than or equal to your access level.
/msg X unsuspend <#channel>
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 75+ (New Channel Operator) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
BAN - Adds a specific *!*userid@host to X's channel banlist. - If the user is online, you can specify their nick, and X will automatically ban the *!*userid@host for that user. - Bans that cover a broader range than previously set bans will replace the previous bans. - Any user in the channel who matches the ban will also be kicked if the ban level is 75+. - The duration is in hours, with a maximum of 2400 hours (100 days). - The ban level can range from 1 to your own level. - The ban reason can be a maximum of 128 characters. - If no duration and/or level is specified, the default will be a duration of 3 hours at level 75.
NOTE: If the banned user has Undernet's "virtual hostmask" (user mode +x) enabled, X is able to see through it to their actual host, so banning their username via *!*@username.* will also ban their actual host.
* Ban Levels: 1-74 = Prevents the user from having ops (+o) on the channel. 75-500 = Prevents the user from joining the channel.
/msg X ban <#channel> [duration] [leve] [reason]
UNBAN - Removes a ban from X's channel banlist, and also any matching bans from the current channel banlist. - You can only remove bans from X's banlist that are equal to or less than your own access. - To search X's banlist, refer to the LBANLIST command. - To view the current channel banlist, refer to the BANLIST command.
/msg X unban <#channel>
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 50+ (Trusted Channel Regular) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
KICK - Makes X kick someone from the channel. - Your username will be placed in the kick message, enclosed in parentheses.
/msg X kick <#channel> [reason]
TOPIC - Makes X change the topic in the channel (145 characters max) and includes your username, enclosed in parentheses, at the beginning of the topic. NOTE: If a DESCRIPTION or URL has been set and AUTOTOPIC is ON, the channel topic will be reset in 30 minutes, unless the channel is idle. (no users joining)
/msg X topic <#channel>
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 25+ (Channel Regular) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
DEVOICE - Devoices one or more users in the channel.
/msg X devoice <#channel> [nick] [nick2] ... [nickN]
VOICE - Voices one or more users in the channel.
/msg X voice <#channel> [nick] [nick2] ... [nickN]
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 1+ (Minimum Access) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
BANLIST - Displays the channel banlist.
/msg x banlist <#channel>
REMUSER - At this level, and above, you can remove yourself from any channel, as long as you are not the Channel manager (Access Level 500 in that channel). - Channel Managers who wish to remove themselves must purge the channel, or transfer the channel to another user.
/msg X remuser <#channel>
STATUS - Displays all channel flags and settings, the number of users and ops in the channel, currently authenticated users for the channel, and whether X is on the channel or not. - Currently authenticated users are shown in a "username/nickname [level]" format. - A user's nickname will only be shown if that user is currently on the channel, otherwise only their username and level are displayed. - At this level, you won't see channel modes.
/msg X status <#channel>
ACCESS - Looks up access information for a certain user via nick or username, or multiple users via wildcard pattern. - The information displayed is: access level, automode if applicable, suspension status and level if suspended, and when the user was last seen. - If there are more than 15 results, log into http://cservice.undernet.org/live/ to see the entire list by clicking on the "Channel Information" link and submitting the channel name. - You can also combine these options to get specific results.
/msg x access <#channel> <*|pattern|username|=nickname> [-min ] [-max ] [-modif] [-none|-voice|-op]
* - shows the entire channel access list. /msg x access <#channel> *
pattern - shows the access level of all usernames matching the wildcard pattern. /msg x access <#channel>
username - shows the access level of a single user. /msg x access <#channel>
=nickname - shows the access level of a single user by nickname. /msg x access <#channel> <=nickname>
-min - shows only users above the given level. /msg x access <#channel> -min
-max - shows only users below the given level. /msg x access <#channel> -max
-op - shows only users with the OP AUTOMODE flag. /msg x access <#channel> -op
-voice - shows only users with the VOICE AUTOMODE flag. /msg x access <#channel> -voice
-none - shows only users with no AUTOMODE flag (None). /msg x access <#channel> -none
-modif - shows who last modified the access listing. /msg x access <#channel> -modif
CHANINFO - Displays whether or not a channel is registered, to whom, and the currently set DESCRIPTION and URL, if any.
Alias: INFO
/msg x chaninfo <#channel> /msg x info <#channel>
INFO - Displays information about a username such as their nick and userid@host if they are currently online, their language and invisible settings, last seen information, and whether they may have been suspended by a CService Administrator. - If used on yourself, it also shows your registered email address, the last hostmask (nick!userid@host format) used when the username was logged into, and lists all channels which you have access on (only CService and you can see this information, not other users). - If you wish to make this information hidden to the public, refer to the SET INVISIBLE command.
/msg X info
ISREG - Checks if a channel is registered or not.
/msg X isreg <#channel>
LBANLIST - Searches X's banlist for the specified string. Use * to see the whole list, or specify a wildcard pattern to find specific bans. - If there are more than 15 results, log into http://cservice.undernet.org/live/ to see the entire list by clicking on the "Channel Information" link and submitting the channel name.
/msg x lbanlist <#channel>
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LEVEL 0 (Everyone) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
LOGIN - This loads your access listing into memory and authenticates you for all registered channels which you have access on. *** Remember: No one from CService will ever ask you for your password! Do NOT give out your password to anyone claiming to be CService!
/msg x@channels.undernet.org login
NOTE : - You can hide your real IP with /mode nickname-here +x +x is a user mode which enables Undernet's "Virtual Hostmask," which will mask your true host/IP address with .users.undernet.org. - Other users will see this virtual hostmask instead of your actual host/IP address. - CService Admin and IRC Operators can see through +x, as can X. - You will always be able to see your true host/IP, of course. - Unlike the virtual hostmask mode that some other IRC networks use, Undernet’s cannot be unset; the user must disconnect from Undernet to disable it.
MOTD - Displays X's "Message of the Day."
/msg X motd
SET - Changes special modes for your username.
/msg x set
INVISIBLE - Toggles the invisibility setting for your username info. - When this setting is on, another user cannot see if you are online, or see any of your username info using the INFO command.
/msg X set invisible
NOADDUSER - Toggle noadduser on or off for your username. - When this setting is on, another user cannot add you to any channels. /msg X set noadduser
LANG - Selects the language in which X will reply to you.
/msg X set lang
Languages available: Code - Language · ar - Arabic · ca - Catalan · ch - Christmas · de - German · dk - Danish · ea - Easter · en - English · es - Spanish · fr - Français . gr - Greek · ha - Halloween · hu - Hungarian · it - Italian · mk - Macedonian · nl - Dutch · no - Norsk · pt - Portuguese · ro - Romanian · sv - Svenska · tr - Turkce
SHOWCOMMANDS - Shows all the commands you can use on a channel, according to your access level. If no channel is specified, only level 0 commands are shown. /msg X showcommands [#channel]
SHOWIGNORE - Shows X's current ignore list. X automatically sets a 1 hour ignore on anyone who accidentally or intentionally floods it.
NOTE: - X will not reply to you if you are being ignored. - If you don't receive replies from X, ask a friend to check the ignore list for you.
/msg X showignore
SUPPORT - A method allowing you to confirm or deny support for a channel application which you are listed as a supporter on. - Upon authenticating, X will notify you of any channel applications that you are listed as a supporter on and will also notify you of this SUPPORT command. - Alternatively, you can choose to view the application on the web to see more information about it, post an objection, and confirm or deny your support from there. - The command will not be effective if you are not listed on a channel as a supporter, or a channel does not have a pending application on the web.
/msg X support <#channel>
VERIFY - Displays whether or not a person is logged in, and if so displays their username, and also indicates whether or not they are an Official CService Administrator, Developer, or Representative, and/or an IRC Operator.
/msg X verify
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This file is maintained by Undernet CService Committee E-mail cservice@undernet.org with any suggestions or comments CService URL: http://cservice.undernet.org Undernet URL: http://www.undernet.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~